Berlin Buzzwords 2019

Call for Submissions! Open until February 17th, 2019
Berlin Buzzwords is Germany's most exciting conference on storing, processing, streaming and searchability of large amounts of digital data. It focuses on open source software projects. The 10th edition of Berlin Buzzwords will be held on June 16-18, 2019 at Kulturbrauerei.
All tickets are valid for the full three days and include free WiFi, food, snacks and drinks throughout the two conference days on Monday and Tuesday. You can also join the barcamp on Sunday and meetups & hackathons taking place all over Berlin hosted by Berlin Buzzwords and local companies.
Berlin Buzzwords is a conference focused on open source software projects in the field of big data analysis, scalability, storage and search. It provides a platform for developers, engineers, IT architects, analysts and data scientists who are interested in the topics information retrieval, searchability of large amounts of data, NoSQL and big data processing. Previous Berlin Buzzwords' presentations focused on Apache Spark, Flink, Kylin, Cassandra, Lucene, HBase, Kafka, Solr, Hadoop, Samza, Mahout, Elasticsearch, MongoDB and many more.